Cue-based Networking using Wireless Sensor Networks: A Video-over-IP Application

Yeonsik Jeong, Sriram Lakshmanan, Sandeep Kakumanu, and Raghupathy Sivakumar
GNAN Research Group
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology

The 5th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad hoc Communications and Networks (SECON 2008), San Francisco, CA, June 16-20, 2008.


In this paper we present a new approach called cue-based networking that uses hints or cues about the physical environment to optimize networked application behavior. We define the notion of cues and describe how cues can be obtained using a wireless sensor network as the underlying platform. We identify both the research and system challenges that need to be addressed to realize benefits of the approach under a target application of video delivery over IP networks. In the process, we identify a key challenge of wireless sensor networks, namely the timeliness-robustness tradeoff. We design an adaptive algorithm that balances this tradeoff satisfying both timeliness and robustness requirements. Through an implementation of the video delivery application using the proposed algorithm in a real home environment, we highlight the practical benefits of the proposed approach.

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