On the Use of Smart Antennas in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

Karthikeyan Sundaresan, Sriram Lakshmanan, and Raghupathy Sivakumar
GNAN Research Group
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology

Third International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems (Broadnets), San Jose, CA, USA, October 2006.


Smart antennas include a broad range of antenna technologies ranging from the simple switched beam to the more sophisticated adaptive arrays and multiple input multiple output (MIMO) links. Their ability to exploit multiple degrees of freedom helps them operate in different strategies to achieve different objectives ranging from rate increase, range increase, transmission power reduction, and higher link reliability. While these antennas have been significantly researched at thePHYlayer leading to results that are easily translatable to single-hop wirelessnetworks, very little isunderstoodabout their use in multi-hop wireless ad-hoc networks. Specific unanswered questions in this context include: (i) what kind of performance improvements can the different technologies and their strategies provide? (ii) for each technology, which of the different possible strategies is the optimal strategy to employ for a given network condition? and (iii) for a given network setting, which of the different smart antenna technologies will deliver the best performance? In this paper, we systematically answer these questions by comprehensively evaluating the relative benefits of the different smart antenna technologies.

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